Thursday, 19th November COSA 2015 ASM

7:00AM - 8:45AM
Thursday, 19th November
Concert Hall
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COSA Breakfast session

Speaker: Leeka Kheifets 

Mobile phones were first marketed for commercial use some thirty years ago, and while initially, cell phone use was uncommon, in the decades that followed mobile phones evolved into an everyday necessity for much of the world’s population. They are no longer simple devices for voice calls, but rather, they affect nearly every aspect of human life and culture. They have become a pervasive part of our society, and between 2000 and 2014, the number of active mobile phone subscriptions increased from 700 million to nearly 7 billion globally. Advances in mobile phone technology and availability have brought with them many advantages, including greater access to communication, information, and economic development and an astonishing array of resources to address almost any need or interest.  

While there are  many benefits of this technology, there remain questions about its safety. Despite limited scientific evidence, the rapid growth of this exposure over a relatively short time in combination with  a large public concern and the potential for major consequences presents a policy challenge. Come and learn about exposures from mobile phones and wifi technologies, what we know about potential health effects, including brain cancer, and what we can do about it. A broad range of scientific viewpoints and industry pressure give the debate a sharp edge, particularly when it comes to  mobile phone use by children.     


7:00AM - 8:45AM
Thursday, 19th November
Harbour View 1
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Speakers: TBC

Content: This early career researcher (ECR) mentoring breakfast will give participants the opportunity to talk with leading researchers and clinicians. Small groups will meet with a mentor to discuss ECR issues including how to plan a career in research, establishing yourself as an independent researcher and maximising the impact of your research. The small group format allows the opportunity for relevant and specific advice. This is a great opportunity to share ideas with an expert in the field and to network with other ECRs.

10:30AM - 11:00AM
Thursday, 19th November
Federation Ballroom
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12:30PM - 1:30PM
Thursday, 19th November
Federation Ballroom
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Thursday, 19th November
Concert Hall
1:30PM - 2:30PM
Thursday, 19th November
Concert Hall
Chair: Mei Krishnasamy

Mark Dawson: Cancer Epigenetics: The journey from concept to therapy

2:30PM - 3:30PM
Thursday, 19th November
Concert Hall
Chair: Clare Scott AM

Panel Members TBC