Oral Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

The potential of Integrated Practice Units to add value to cancer care - feasible or folly? (#123)

David Speakman 1
  1. Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The drive towards patient centred care has led to a complete re-evaluation of the way medicine is practiced. A shift to focusing on how every action or intervention value adds to the patient’s outcome and care has forced a rethink of our current systems. In particular, a focus on maximising Clinician time in direct patient related activities, and eliminating the needs of institutions as the primary driver of the way care is delivered, are opening new opportunities to have a tangible impact on patient experience. Various alternatives to current models of care have now been put forward and are being evaluated. The interest of many players, previously outside healthcare systems, have brought many innovative ideas and structures to the fore. It is our duty as Clinicians to evaluate these new ideas in the context of continually improving the experience of patients who require cancer care. The ability of our systems to be proactive and nimble in responding to various and changing patient needs will be addressed.