Oral Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

Designing new systems of care to deliver value based health care (#120)

Jim Bishop 1
  1. Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) partners have conducted extensive surveys of patient experience using validated international survey tools. Cancer Patient Experience Surveys have demonstrated poor patient experience associated with lack of care coordination and written specific information about their care. These results have been benchmarked to experience by patients in England. The VCCC has also surveyed the key issues one, three and five years post-treatment using the UK PROMS tools for prostate, breast and bowel cancer and melanoma and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. These surveys showed that patient experience as they survived their cancers was significantly influenced by the presence of residual cancer or co-morbidity and different from cancer to cancer. These surveys show the value of documenting patient experience directly from the patient’s own experience. In developing this evidence the VCCC is developing a culture of adding value to health care through responsiveness to such findings.