Bernard W Stewart COSA 2015 ASM

Bernard W Stewart

Bernard Stewart is a graduate of UNSW and University of London and was appointed Head, Cancer Control Program, South Eastern Sydney Public Health Unit in 1999. He has a professorial appointment in Faculty of Medicine, UNSW. His research focus is prevention of cancer attributable to environmental exposures. Professor Stewart is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and in 2010 was admitted as a lawyer. As well as COSA, he has been actively involved with NHMRC, Cancer Australia, Cancer Council Australia and Cancer Institute NSW. At the invitation of International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), he has engaged in many aspects of the IARC Monographs on Carcinogenic Risks program and co-edited World Cancer Report 2014 for WHO. He is the author of over a hundred journal publications including several on the ABC breast cancer cluster

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