Poster Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

Member experiences in an Australian Translational Cancer Research Centre, Sydney Catalyst, and their understanding of translational research  (#331)

Nicole Rankin 1 , Adam Walczak 2 , Michelle Lai 1 , Phyllis Butow 3 , Danielle Miller 1 , Sonia Yip 1
  1. Sydney Catalyst Translational Cancer Research Centre, Sydney
  2. CanTeen, Sydney
  3. University of Sydney, Sydney


The experience of membership of multidisciplinary collaborative cancer research networks is largely unreported. The aim of this research was to qualitatively explore the experiences of members of a virtual translational cancer research network, Sydney Catalyst Translational Cancer Research Centre (TCRC), to identify members’ understanding and perceptions of translational research, benefits of membership and impact on research, and key successes during the first three and a half years of operation.


Members of Sydney Catalyst completed audio-recorded, individual, semi-structured interviews. Recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic text analysis with an inductive, data-driven approach.


Twenty-two members from across T1-3 translational research participated, including healthcare professionals, post-graduate students and academic researchers drawn from multiple biomedical and clinical disciplines and representing approximately 5% of the membership. Seven superordinate themes were identified during analysis; i) exposure to and experience of translational research, ii) collaboration and networking fostered by translational research network membershipiii) benefits and successes arising through membership iii) sought and unexpected opportunities available through membership iv) the impact of level of active participation on the benefits of a TCRC, v) the role and identity of a TCRC, vi) the impact of the TCRC on collaboration and challenges experienced in this area and vii) feedback on the education offered by the TCRC. We will report on these themes.


This qualitative exploration of the experiences of members of a TCRC provides a unique and rich insight into how members understand and experience translational research within a multidisciplinary collaborative network spanning metropolitan and regional member groups, including the benefits and challenges experienced and identifying areas that may be improved by Sydney Catalyst and targeted in strategic plans. Research networks can learn from the experiences of Sydney Catalyst members to inform initiatives and practices to enhance their members’ experience and facilitate productive collaboration.