Poster Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

To utilise a change management process to the implementation of the Antineoplastic Drug Administration Course (ADAC) into four health services within the Southern Melbourne region (#293)

Angela Caruso 1
  1. Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service, East Bentleigh, VIC, Australia

Methods: A needs identification survey of cancer nurses (n=185) to identify education needs was undertaken. In addition, a consultation process and service mapping exercise with the four member health services which included management and education staff. A process of identifying the current education programs available to cancer nurses was completed and was evaluated based on a set of criteria determined by the project steering committee.  

Results: Based on the outcome of the consultation process, it was determined the Cancer Institute of NSW eviQ program ADAC was the most appropriate education program to provide a minimum level of education to the southern Melbourne cancer nursing workforce. SMICS’ four member health services have since signed onto the course and are currently at varying stages of implementation. A pilot site within one member health service has successfully established mechanisms for implementing the program within a new established cancer inpatient ward with 14 staff having successfully completed the program.   

Conclusion: The implementation of the ADAC education program to nursing staff requires significant management, leadership, policy development, resources, site champions and ongoing support to ensure an effective and sustainable education program can be successfully implemented.