Poster Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

Delegate? Skill Share? Or Uni-professional? A Framework to address to address allied health(AH) workforce shortages. (#328)

Juanine Passfield , Neil Brebner 1
  1. Queensland Health, Wide Bay HHS, Hervey Bay/ Bundaberg, QLD, Australia

Introduction: With predicted increases in cancer diagnosis and increasing survival rates, workforce shortages are expected[i].  Regional cancer services in Wide Bay(WB) have commenced radiation therapy and AH expect an associated activity increase.  The AH team utilised the Calderdale Framework(CF) to review tasks undertaken and develop a model of care using a shared competency and delegation practice(SCDP). 

Aims: To apply the CF to the WB cancer care team.

Methods: Application of the CF[ii], a workforce development tool that engages frontline staff at all levels to ensure safe and effective patient centred care. It provides a clear and systematic method for reviewing skill mix, developing new roles, identifying new ways of working and facilitating service redesign by:

  • Identifying tasks carried out in teams.
  • Deciding which can be delegated or skill shared across professional boundaries.
  • Creating local clinical task instructions to standardise how tasks are carried out.
  • Providing structured training and competence assessment for professional skill sharing and delegation practice.
  • Establishing governance processes to support clinicians.
  • Establishing systems to sustain the model of practice in the long term[iii].

Results: The team identified 217 tasks undertaken by the team.  71 tasks were taken through task analysis due to being undertaken by more than one profession and/or occurring with a high frequency(daily). Of these, 52 were identified as having potential for delegation to an AH assistant/support workers, 28 for skill sharing with another AH professional and 8 to remain uni-professional.   

Conclusions: This presentation discusses the use of a SCDP service delivery model to assist in meeting the increasing cancer care demand for AH in WB. 

[i] Health Workforce Australia [2013]: National Cancer Workforce Strategic Framework.

[ii] Effective Workforce Solutions.

[iii] Available at Accessed 17th July 2015.