Poster Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

Multidisciplinary approach to weight management in oncology patients- “Why weight?” (#245)

Kate Falconer 1 , Rebecca Nunes 1 , Meredith Atkinson 1
  1. Ballarat Regional Intergrated Cancer Centre Ballarat Health Services, Ballarat, VIC, Australia

Background and Aim: A healthy weight and lifestyle can have a significant impact on treatment and recurrence for some cancers. Reducing overweight and obesity reduces the risk of developing recurrence of some cancers, particularly in breast and bowel cancers (National Cancer Prevention Policy, 2012, World Cancer Research Foundation, 2011).

The World Cancer Research Fund has conducted a meta- analysis of scientific evidence relating to nutrition, physical activity and cancer prevention/ risk reduction publishing the below recommendations.

o   All cancer survivors should receive nutritional care from an appropriately trained professional.

o   After treatment, cancer survivors should follow the recommendations for cancer prevention. (World Cancer Research Foundation).

In 2014 The Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre (BRICC) identified a need among the oncology patients, to address evidenced based nutrition and lifestyle modification of those patients wanting to manage their weight.

The aim of this program is to provide a multidisciplinary approach to weight management of overweight or obese patients who have a cancer diagnosis incorporating diet, behavior modification and physical activity in a supportive environment.

“Why Weight?”offers two x 2 hour introductory group education sessions on managing your weight with Cancer diagnosis. The sessions are facilitated by Dietitian and Psychologist and incorporate Exercise Therapy.  The two Why Weight Sessions are held within the BRICC Wellness Centre

FollowingWhy Weight?”participants are offered The Healthy Weight Management Program (HWM), a long-term approach to weight management: building knowledge, skills, self-efficacy and confidence. The program uses a multidisciplinary approach, with an Exercise Physiologist, Psychologist and Dietitian and runs for 3 hours each week over a 9 week period.

Those who do not opt in are guided towards an appropriate weight management strategy within the Ballarat Community.

Evaluation:  To be completed October 2015.