Poster Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

ISCaHN Treatment Dashboard: Providing clinician decision support with data generated at the point of care. (#232)

Graeme Bell 1 , Chee Fon Chang 2
  1. Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, Figtree, NSW, Australia
  2. University of Wollongong, Wollongong

Aim: To develop a treatment dashboard that presents data extracted in real time from the Oncology Information System that is accessible and actionable for clinicians. The aim of the dashboard is to provide clinicians with a clinical decision tool, informed by their own treatment data generated at the point of care.

Method: A reporting connection to the operation database (MOSAIQ) was developed to allow for real-time data retrieval. The report was built with specific data points defined. The data was then displayed in several pivot tables, which are built to display the pre-determined treatment outcomes, toxicity and demographic data.These dashboard elements have built-in capabilities to add filters and drill downs, hence allowing the displayed data to be disseminated further. This gives clinicians the ability to dissect the data further and additional insights for decision making.

Results: Outcomes reported in the dashboard per specified chemotherapy care plan include treatment timeliness, cessation rates, deceased on treatment rates, discontinued treatment rates, and a select number of reported toxicities. These outcomes may then be filtered on a number of patient demographic data including stage of disease, age, gender and ECOG status.

The dashboard also provides an ability to compare outcomes between specific chemotherapy care plans. This poster will discuss a specific example of this for metastatic melanoma. Treatment data from the prescription of Nivolumab will be compared with that of Ipilimumab treatment data. This treatment data displays high toxicity, cessation of treatment and disease progression from Ipilimumab, particularly when compared with Nivolumab treatment outcomes.

Conclusion: The dashboard provides ISCaHN clinicians with the real time data generated from point of care to ensure that our care is safe, appropriate, and effective with efficacious results. Data displayed in the dashboard, combined with evidence-based medicine and proven treatments, will ensure high quality patient treatment outcomes.