Poster Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

Tips and tricks for the successful implementation of a learning management system (#235)

Eliza Bott 1 , Maree Bransdon 1
  1. Central Integrated Regional Cancer Service, Queensland Health, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

The opportunity to facilitate cancer courses for Queensland Health staff on a Learning Management System (LMS) was seized by Central Integrated Regional Cancer Service (CIRCS) for a blended-learning approach to the provision of clinical education. CIRCS provides this approach through Tele-education and Brightspace by D2L LMS.

CIRCS currently facilitates five online and blended-learning courses on the Brightspace LMS. These courses are delivered to Queensland Health’s clinical streams across sixteen Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) and 1,722,000 square kilometres of land. In rural, regional and remote areas of the state the challenge of providing access to this clinical education is diminished through the use of this LMS and Tele-education.

The Handing antineoplastic drugs and related waste safely and Administration of oral antineoplastic drugs modules enable HHSs to comply with acts, regulations, standards, and codes of practice. Instilling the value of completing ADAC in the nursing stream has been paramount to its success in improving Queensland Health’s service delivery.

The approach to this included marketing the courses as:

  • Self-paced
  • Interactive
  • Relevant and directly applicable to their workplace
  • Results-oriented

Learners are able to view:

  • Grades
  • Certificates
  • Learning activities
  • Resources

Where facilitators are unavailable to conduct a supervised clinical practice and competency assessment or a clinical skills workshop the learner can attend via a Tele-education session run by CIRCS’s Nurse Educator.  All attendee and facilitator data is captured through registrations and evaluations.

Tele-education allows for:

  • Simulated face-to-face interaction
  • Questions and clarification
  • Direct sharing of presentations and resources
  • Real-time assessments and progress records