Poster Presentation COSA 2015 ASM

An Innovative Interdisciplinary approach to Cancer Care Services “Removing the Band-Aid Effect”.  Model of Care of Cancer Allied Health (#237)

Dawn Hutley 1 , jacqueline Hampton 1
  1. NBMLHD, Kingswood, NSW, Australia


To Improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their carers.  To deliver a sustainable innovative interdisciplinary team approach to meet the needs of cancer care patients and carers at Nepean Cancer Care.


 A consultative re-design project with rigorous data collection involving the interdisciplinary teams, patients and carers was initiated at Nepean Cancer Care Centre (NCCC) in 2014. A survey of 200 patients, where 90% (180/200) identified that they would benefiting from Allied Health involvement in their treatment plan. 44 NCCC Staff were surveyed regarding referral processes; process mapping to establish key issues and brainstorming and benchmarking against other Area Health Services were conducted.

Project results:

  • Implementation of the priority referral criteria (high, moderate or low) for all outpatient referrals to NCCC across all Allied Health disciplines. 100% of high priority patients are being seen within 1 week of referral.
  • Standardised referral form has been developed and implemented for Allied Health clinics in conjunction with the prioritization chart.
  • Development of a Standardised referral form for NCCC Occupational Therapy home-visits and implemented over the district.
  • Development of an  Allied Health brochure
  • Allied Health disciplines and outpatient referrals have increased by average of 15% per month. 
  • Orientation package for Health Staff, patients and carers has been developed. 


The project has been successful in achieving positive outcomes in relation to patient and carer’s journey as well as a true interdisciplinary approach to service planning for NCCC.  The project has highlighted the need for a comprehensive Cancer service in providing client centred care.    The project has received endorsement from the CEO at NBMLHD and received a Highly commended quality award.  This MOC has the potential to be transferable, not only to other Cancer Delivery Services but other Chronic and Complex Care services.